A hit or a flop?

Although I wanted to find the time to write before the exam I couldn’t…it seems like we have done so little in the second month of the course and then suddenly our scheduled was squeezed with practical, theory and the novelty cake. In some cases some groups took the practical exam and then had 2 session on the novelty cake. It is a shame it wasn’t spread more wisely so people could have more time (like me…) to work on their cakes. I took the Novelty cake as a big project with a concept behind. So big that I have worked on it at least 8 hours and I have another 8 roughly to go. Having said that I’m still not sure I will be able to produce something…the easy option (and probably the wise one) would be to go safe and make another kiddy cake with creatures on it etc like I did so many times for my kids throughout the years…or design some flowers…but I really want to make something meaningful to me. I guess in a way, in the time I had to sit quietly with my self when everyone is asleep and for some reason Internet didn’t work so I couldn’t watch my Israeli series on the iPad, I felt like I’m melting all my fear, dedication and passion into every leaf I hade to shape. Its my last days (2) in Cordon Bleu until January when I plan to be back and I’m terrified. I’m terrified to wake up every day without knowing exactly what I’m doing FOR MYSELF today…terrified to sink back to being a housewife. I really want to make this whole journey meaningful. And as this project of the cake becomes more difficult and I got more laughing remarks from chefs and colleagues (although most with good intention)  I am injected with strength and will power to pull it off!  By now, I really don’t care what anyone will think about this tree. This is my tree! This is something I’m creating for myself. It has been never, since I felt like I’m hugging myself (if that makes sense…) and I’m doing something entirely for me! No expectations or care of what other will think and if they will love it or not! I love it.
After the theory exam yesterday we had one session on the novelty cake. We sat at DM4 and worked. I did some crappy leaves but at least I learnt how to deal with gum paste which is much more elastic from the regale icing. Also, I didn’t cover the parts of the gum paste I wasnt working with (a big leaf) so it dried out very quickly. Also, I used loads of icing sugar but there is no need at all for icing sugar…we didn’t have any guidance at all only when we asked questions and chef did his best to accommodate all our questions but poor thing, he had to run between two classes so he was running back and forth. There is so much you can do with 30 students and 20 question each…me, alone, I needed few minutes to ask all the questions that were piling up but it was quiet impossible with all the pressure on him and everyone wants a “piece” of him… So I spent these two and a half hours in “playing” with the gum paste but at least now i know how to work with it. So, I got home, made supper for the kids and sat to work. My god, each brunch took me at least 2 hours to 2.5 hours. I had to roll it out (and the gum paste is quite hard…my hands were aching from the rolling pin after a while) then cut it into stripes, each stripe make small cuts on the sides, and then with the ball tool (a stick with a ball at the tip) rolling on edge to make it thinner and un even. At all times gum paste should be covered with cling film so it won’t get dry and there is no need for icing sugar at all. I sat until 3 in the morning and had an early lesson in Cordon bleu..so I was in school at 8 and we were in the kitchen instead of the demo room…it was very disappointing because I brought some music and snacks…since last session was very relaxed (to us not to chef..) and chef attitude was really relaxed towards us I thought it will be the same but no! I got to the kitchen because it was changed to from demo without the hair net and my hat…so chef J strait away shouted at me :”you with the hair, you are late and you have no hair net and hat. Come back when your ready…” I was not ready for that. I heard a lot of rumours of the cuisin chefs being very strict and snappy but this was my first encounter with one. I have never had this chef in our class and it was the first time he was with us since he is cuisine teaching chef. Anyway, I came back with my hair tied back and hat and all the rest and started to cover the cake. At this point I had no clue how to cover it and what color to use. My initial intent was to make it as an un even surface with even roots coming from the sides of the cake but I was explained I had to cover the cake like we were shown in class. So I levelled the top of the cake by cutting it (BTW it was the fruit cake – heavy fruity Christmas cake, with lots of alcohol we made 2 months ago…) then I filled all the holes the cake had with marzipan, then rolled out a thick strip of marzipan brushed the walls of the cake with nappage  and rolled it on top of marzipan cutting to fit exactly the diameter. Then rolled out another thick disc of marzipan on the bottom of the cake we spread nappage and put the cake upside down on the marzipan and cut a circle to fit the cake exactly. Then flipped the cake and smooth it with a smother. Then I decided to go for the chestnut color to cover the cake (with the advice of Chef Jhon) and rolled out a big round marzipan disk. Lifted it with the rolling pin and laid it on the cake and board together! Then arranged it nicely all over, cut the edges and with a smoother made it smooth and tight. I went on to make some grass by pushing the icing through a sieve. Since they didn’t have any garlic crusher or similar…I scattered it around the covered board. Then added a green ribbon to base and my base for the tree was ready! I forgot to say I asked chef Jhon to make a hole in my board so I will be able later to stick the tree into…and he did. If I could do it my way I would cover cake and board separately so I could stick the tree in easily but it was impossible…I had to cover the cake, take it home and finish it at home. I took the cake home, tried to push the tree through the hole but the wires were a bit too thick for the small hole so only 2 of them managed to go through…anyway, Ofir came to help me last night to finish the leaves and we were sitting with music at my dining room table until 12:30 at night. She was a great help and great company. I really like her. Although she is much younger then me she is very mature and her advice sometimes is priceless! She comes across as a bit cold but she is sooo funny and loving once she opens up. I feel deep sorrow we will not continue next term together. It has been a pleasure to share my experience with her. We had so much laugh in demo and in general. This time with her will be something I do not want to forget:)
Anyway, we went to school fri morning with a mini cab because there was no chance in the world I was able to carry this heavy tree with me to school on the tube. People are rushing and pushing and they couldn’t care less about my tree, especially in the rush hour…! so we left at 7 and arrived to school on time! The driver decided to try and avoid the traffic so he was driving through Hempstead and kiss all the bumps in the road…! I was holding the tree on a tray and in the air to be able to balance it. My god! my muscles were killing me. I think I am going to be in pain tomorrow! When we got to school I saw chef Christophe and called him so he could see the cake…you should have seen his face. I think he was very much surprised, and amused…but he loved It. He looked and said :”that’s fontastik Geraldine …well done!” and then he read all the notes I hanged on the tree and asked if this is my life story…I went upstairs to my class and since the kitchen was still locked I went into the library, a door away, and put down the tree when chef Nicolas came in.
Chef really liked it. I told him the idea behind the tree even when it was just an idea and I think he was surprised to see I actually managed to make something of it. He was so supportive and went to call the other chefs to come and see the cake! He told me he and chef Christophe actually discussed my tree and chef N told him about the idea behind it so he had better understanding of my project. Chef Jhon who helped me a bit the day before came into the room shook my hand, kissed me on both cheeks and said well done:-) they all appreciated the time I spent on it and were really supportive. I got what I wanted! All I wanted was reaction and I got a great one. It was great pleasure to finish this term on such a high note in contrast to what was quiet frustrating term. I was not happy with my class although it was better towards the end but it took too long. Anyway, tomorrow I’m having the brief with the chef. I will know if I passed or not…
After wrecking my brain with what to buy the chef I bought them Alessi jars with cookies I baked. Cookies we always had at home since I was a child and everyone loves. I hope they will like it too. Got to go to sleep its 12:39 and I’m extremely tired! Good night xxx

oh….and these are the pictures of the process of building the tree and the results…let me know what you think! I wanna know!


About Sinmatok

Graduate of Le Cordon Bleu owner of Sinmatok
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1 Response to A hit or a flop?

  1. Jessi says:

    It is so beautiful!! I was curious as to how you were going to make the leaves. Willow trees are also my favorite type of tree. I have always loved the way they look when there is just a bit of wind to make them sway back and forth. It is so peaceful. I also love the green around the base, it reminds me of moss (which I also love!). I think it is so personal and so unique. I love how you made little statements about yourself and your journey. You are really an artist! I just love how you connect your work to your emotions and experiences.

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